The problem many companies face is the gap between their vision for the customer experience and the actual day-to-day business in contact with customers. Changes and improvements are only possible if your employees always know what needs to be prioritized and how their services are evaluated.

Instead of a top-down-approach we favour the bottom-up-method.

img Process Prioritization

The identification and prioritization of the most important processes is the focus of our work. For example, we ensure a continuous evaluation of customer contacts by establishing a customer feedback system that provides relevant real-time feedback to the right people. In addition, we review the profitability of these activities for your company to ensure the recommended actions and measures do not miss the intended target.

Market research often focuses on overall ratings and questions like “Would you recommend us?” and “How satisfied are you?”. These reflect the sum of all customer experiences. But if you do not know the underlying customer journey and the core drivers, it is very difficult to improve. The following case illustrates the difference between measuring the overall experience and analyzing the key factors to improve customer satisfaction.

First, we look at all interactions and determine:

How did we achieve this level of customer satisfaction and loyalty?

What exactly has helped to reach this level of customer satisfaction?

Which processes were crucial to make customers loyal to us?

Instead of simply measuring the overall customer satisfaction, we can, for example, discuss and answer the following questions:

How to serve and advise the customer with more commitment.

How to find a satisfactory product for the customer.

How to establish a personal relationship and good cooperation with the customer.

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